Outdoor areas are often the last to receive design attention, but they shouldn’t be: What surrounds your home is just as important as what's in it. Whether it's a manicured front lawn, stone paver pathway or intricate garden design, these spaces benefit from the same attention to detail as any bathroom or kitchen. Well-designed landscaping ideas can complement your home's architecture and farmhouse design, and the right plants, flowers and shrubbery can greatly enhance your curb appeal by adding color, texture and even fragrance to your yard.

Beautiful Japanese Garden Design, Landscaping Ideas for Small Spaces

Japanese garden design recreate the natural landscapes in small spaces creating gorgeous reflections of the natural surroundings. All elements of oriental garden design are interconnected blending function and aesthetic appeal in harmony and balance.

Elements of Japanese garden design

Rocks in Japanese garden design are the main elements. The stones placement creates balance and Feng Shui outdoor spaces with harmony and beauty. The basic stones are the tall upright stone, the low upright stone, the curved stone, the reclining stone, and the horizontal stone.

Water Fall

Waterfall is one of those features that is able to immediately boost design of your Farmhouse. It will surely become a key element that immediately catches the eye. The best way to introduce waterfall into your Farmhouse layout is making it look maximally natural. Consider a waterfall that is connected to a pond – it guarantees an amazing impression that will gladden your eye while looking at it from your terrace.

Rooftop Garden

There are many benefits of a rooftop garden beyond the fact that they can be quiet retreats. They add another dimension of green space to an urban scape without taking up an extensive area of land in densely populated places.

Green roofs can help in the absorption of carbon dioxide and help reduce air pollution The building and surrounding area’s aesthetics will be enhanced and property value could be increased Economically, there are no additional land costs Temperatures around the building can be lowered in the summer.